Corporate responsibility
What we do

We create sustainable benefits for Switzerland by transporting our passengers efficiently, reliably and safely to their destination every day. Together with our customers, partners and purchasers, we find solutions to facilitate high-quality, affordable and environmentally friendly mobility in Switzerland. As a leading public transport bus company, it’s our way of exercising responsibility towards society.

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Corporate responsibility is firmly enshrined in our strategy. It is an issue that we consider holistically, which means we look at the environmental, economic and social aspects. We take our responsibility seriously, and view sustainability as an opportunity to become an even more innovative and diversified mobility service provider.

Christian Plüss, CEO of PostBus Ltd
Profile of Christian Plüss

PostBus regards the concept of corporate responsibility as a fundamental ethical attitude and is acting now for tomorrow: for future generations, for the sustainable development of our society and the environment.

Economic success is founded on environmental action and social responsibility, and takes account of the needs of current and future generations.

SDGs provide guidance

To fulfil its corporate responsibility, PostBus is guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

PostBus is committed to the corporate responsibility strategy and the resulting corporate responsibility charter of Swiss Post, and actively supports the achievement of the environmental targets defined in it. PostBus’s environmental targets are set out in the company’s quality, environmental and safety policy. Sustainability issues have been a top priority at PostBus for decades.

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